Who We Are and What We Do
Who We Are and What We Do
GovernSandwell (formerly ASGB) was constituted in the 1990s when it was the acknowledged that there was a need for a mechanism to allow the Local Authority to communicate and liaise more effectively with governors and for governors to challenge and contribute to debates with the Local Authority. The benefits were mutual.
GovernSandwell is an independent association, supported by subscriptions from member schools. Recognising the very challenging financial situation for schools, the subscription is kept as low as possible and is used to fund the services of a part time support officer, room hire, refreshments, develop our website and other communication methods and any other incidental expenses.
Unique to Sandwell the annual subscription also includes the cost of the National Governance Association (NGA) standard membership fee. Members can access the full NGA website, make use of the excellent resources, receive regular email updates, bi-monthly editions of Governing Matters and have access to a number of free places at regional and national events.
GovernSandwell has an Executive Committee representing all member schools.
Most schools in Sandwell, regardless of their status, are members of the GovernSandwell. If your school is a member, you will be encouraged to attend our regular meetings, where guest speakers present on topical issues. Notes and presentations are shared with all members after each meeting.
Our aim is to be a further source of support to our members. We strive to:
- Improve the quality of education for Sandwell children
- Act as a forum for all schools/educational establishments
- Facilitate the exchange of views and sharing of good practice
- Represent the views, concerns and needs of schools to the Local Education Authority.
- Provide independent and confidential guidance and advice.
Last year, in addition to regular updates from the Director of Children, Skills & Employment and the SIPS Director of Governance, we focused on and invited speakers to talk to members about:
- Operation Encompass
- Budget Consultation
- Mental Health in Schools
- Transition KS2-KS3,
- Ethical Leadership and Edible Playgrounds
GovernSandwell exists to support Sandwell governors and we welcome your feedback and suggestions for future agendas and your ideas on how we can continue to support you in your very challenging role as a governor.